Friday, June 24, 2011

My thoughts on dating in high school!

I am constantly asked the question, "Why do you think dating in high school is so bad?" and in no way do I think it's "bad", I just don't think it's the wisest decision a young man or woman could make. The reason they feel this longing and desire to date is because they want to feel accepted and loved by somebody. When in reality, they have to find that love through Jesus Christ because they will never be completely satisfied by a person! Only the Lord can satisfy our deepest desires. I dated a guy at the end of my Freshman year when I was only 16. I didn't know who I was or what my future held at that time! I knew NOTHING about life or love. I am going to tell you why I think dating in high school is not the wisest choice...

In most circumstances High School (and Junior High) students don't know how to have a healthy relationship. They are too driven by their feelings and emotions that often times the relationships turn into regrets. They have only that physical attraction, and that can lead to some dangerous stuff in the end. Something I ask a lot of high school students is this, "Are you ready to be married?" because dating just to date makes no sense whatsoever. The definition of dating is to assess the other persons suitability to potentially become their spouse! Do you think high school students are ready for that when they haven't even figured out where their life is going yet? It usually isn't until they're out of high school that they figure out what is they want to do with their life, and the direction they want to go. What if they end up going to different colleges? What if he/she realizes the other person really ISN'T what they want in a future spouse? There are all of these very valid points that most young men and women fail to look at because they are so caught up in "love" aka "lust". There have been very FEW High School relationships that I have seen turn into marriage, and those few people are God-fearing, mature, followers of Christ who have sought out God's plans for their life.

We were created for one relationship, and that is our relationship with Jesus Christ! He has given us this wonderful opportunity to experience marriage and oneness with another person, but it is through HIM that that marriage can be perfect, blameless, and beautiful.


1 comment:

  1. I completely agree!! I had to learn the hard way unfortunately but at least I learned and yeah.. I just couldn't agree more!! God bless you!!
