Monday, June 21, 2010

Lord, challenge me! But, not too much..

This tour has taught me many things in just the week that we have been on it, and I have been stretched in multiple ways. Last night as I was lying in bed I realized something very convicting. I was thinking about the whole tour, and everything that has gone on. We all know we are here for a reason, but it’s difficult when God stretches us. Every night when I am lying in bed, praying, I ask God to challenge me and stretch me in different areas of my life. I realized last night that when He DOES challenge and stretch me, I sometimes have a bad attitude about it. I get selfish, and I lose sight of what God is doing with me through it. I question why I am going through a certain struggle, or why I am here, when I KNOW that God is doing something with it. He is showing me something, He is teaching me something, and He is molding me into the woman who He wants me to be. I go through great times, hard times, and times that just hurt, but I know that through everything God is growing me and preparing me for greater and bigger challenges that may/will come! In Deuteronomy 31:8 Moses is talking to Joshua and he says, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” He will NEVER leave us, NOR forsake us! Through every horrible, tough, and almost unbearable situation, HE IS THERE! He wants us to grab hold of Him, and lean on Him through it all. He is THE Healer, and THE Restorer. Before we were even born, He knew that we would be going through ALL of these things. He doesn’t put us through challenges so that He can watch us “suffer”, but He does it to TEACH us. I know that when it comes to my parents, there are certain things they challenge me with, and ways they teach me. It’s not to be a mean parent, but it’s to show me something and teach me how to handle a situation. God does that EXACT same thing. He doesn’t want to see us hurt, He wants to see us learn and grow.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

He has called us to something SO much bigger than ourselves. Now, let’s stop complaining when tough times occur, and grab hold of Christ and press forward towards the finish. He is always there, right beside us.


  1. love love love it...and love you too! haha you're a very wise young lady! :) Good luck with the rest of your tour!

  2. Wow, you've traveled many miles the past few weeks! Thanks for honestly showing all you've been learning. You're an inspiration! Sending you love and encouragement to keep sharing your music with the world.
