I think sometimes we forget all that the Lord has created and such detail He has put into all that He has made. The trees, the flowers, the animals, the rocks, the grass, the leaves, and even the tiniest details of each one of those things. Only a Master Artist could create all of these things. Look at how complex we were made!
On our last tour we were on, we went through a billion (Okay, that may have been a tiny exaggeration) mountains on the West Coast. I was so overwhelmed by how beautiful, and wonderful these mountains were! They truly were breathtaking. When we were in Utah, I asked a few girls that we met if mountains amaze them because they see them all of the time. They said that they've kind of just gotten used to them! How often does this happen in our own lives? We just get "used" to life. We never see things from a different perspective. When you rotate a picture, you see it from a different angle. There's a perspective of it that you didn't think even existed! I challenge you to look at life from a different perspective. Look at the positives, instead of the negatives. Look at the good, instead of the bad. Look at the achievements, instead of the failures. Look at all that the Lord has created you to be... because it's far more wonderful than anything you could imagine!

"My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God." -Psalm 84:2
Amen!! I completely agree. Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you!