It was 2 years ago when I decided to become a youth leader at my church "River Valley Church". I was very hesitant because I really was not sure what to expect. The first year that I was a youth leader was extremely hard. I was trying to find the line between friend and leader. I had to earn their respect, not demand it. I wanted them to understand that I was there for them no matter what, through the good and bad. But at the same time, they needed to know that I was in a position of leadership and authority. Since I had just been in the youth group a year earlier, I think it was hard for some of the students to view me as a leader.
I got through the first year and was hesitant again to be a leader for a second year. I decided to stick it out one more year, and see what the Lord had for me. And it was more than I can even express. He placed young women in my life who I was able to connect with. It has now been the end of my 2nd year, and I am on my 3rd year and I can't explain how blessed I am to be a part of such an amazing ministry with such wonderful young men and women. When I am not on the road, I make it a priority (and it's a complete joy) to spend time with my Junior High Girls. I am so blessed and so humbled by them.

That's great!! :) Cute pictures btw! Praying for you and your band. Blessings!