So, I took some time to really seek His face, and pinpoint the calling & ministry that He has set before me. As I was sitting in prayer one day, I felt that the Lord was showing me that I was going to be doing more writing & speaking. I kept pushing those thoughts down though, because I was in Nashville to pursue MUSIC, not writing & speaking. I felt like He was still showing me that music was going to be a large part of my ministry (obviously, I LOVE leading worship), but that there was more to my ministry than just that.
If I am going to be completely honest, I didn't believe what I felt He was telling me. I did think that my thoughts were just running wild & none of it was making sense, though. So, I had let it go...
Not long after I had this God-moment, I was having a conversation with one of my good friends. We were talking about our ministries, and where we feel God is leading us. I had shared some of my heart & where I was at, but didn't say anything about this moment I had with God recently about doing more writing & speaking. He, out of nowhere, asked, "Have you thought about doing more writing & speaking, like, for girls & women?" - I was completely floored. I began slightly freaking out on the inside, and thinking "This couldn't be..." I took what he said, and didn't think much more about it after that... it was probably just a "coincidence."
I didn't want to think about it, because what was "expected" of me was that I would write songs, and play music... and, that's it... or, so I thought. In the next few days after that, I really felt the Lord putting writing & speaking heavy on my heart. I kept ignoring it, but He kept bringing it to the forefront of my mind... and, at that point, I decided to start listening & praying more about it. And, within that week, three people, on three separate occasions, without knowing what God had put on my heart, had asked the same question, "Have you thought about doing more writing & speaking, along with the music?" Before I knew it, tears were flowing, & peace was showering me. It. Was. GOOD.
Soon after I had these confirmations & this revelation, I started to see things "unravel" in my life. There was one day that, I kid you not, had everything "wrong" with it - it was really comical, actually. Ha! And, the day after that, I had news shared with me that would really change some other things in my life. It really wasn't making sense, but at the same time I was believing that it was...
One of my sweet friends said at coffee recently, "I know it seems like everything is unraveling, but I really believe it's all just coming together for you..."

I am not 100% sure of where I am headed, but I am confident in the direction I am going, & the One who's leading me...
Thanks, friends. So much love for you all.
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