Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Hurting Generation

Last night I sat in my bed looking at my Facebook News Feed of a few posts that some young girls had posted. I couldn't help but wonder where this anger and pain came from. I am reminded of the saying, "Never judge a book by it's cover" and it helps me to continue to understand and realize that there are pages in their book that are full of bitterness, hatred, jealousy, and so on. As I read these posts, tears started running down my face and I asked myself these questions over and over again, "Why don't they see it? Why don't they get it?"

My heart completely sunk. I wanted to look each one of those girls in the eyes and tell them how beautiful they were, how much they're worth, and how God can bring them healing. But, unfortunately that doesn't always work...

I couldn't understand in that moment why they would say these things or feel this way, and then I was reminded that I had those exact same feelings when I was their age, going through those same struggles...

-Jealousy towards other girls.
-Bitterness towards a boy who played with my emotions.
-Sadness towards my so-called "friends".
-Anger towards those who supposedly knew what I was going through.

I was there. I said those things. I felt those feelings.

No, it doesn't excuse them from their actions and words, but it puts things back into perspective for me. There was one young lady who I talked to and tried to counsel, and she just kept saying, "You just don't understand. Nobody does!"

Even though I don't know what exactly she was going through, I had been in that place before. I do understand those feelings.

We live in a broken world. There are lives all around us that are slowly falling apart. Won't you show them the Hope they are so desperately searching for?

Sometimes they just need a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, and arms to hold them.

This is a blog more for myself than anything.


1 comment:

  1. Very true! We must be the Light of the world that Jesus has commanded us to be. God bless you sis! :)
