Friday, December 27, 2013

Be Love

When I asked God to give me a heart for people, I never thought that my heart would physically hurt for every person. Even in the unlikely of circumstances, I can't help but love so much that it hurts.

When I listen to the single, young woman who is unaware of God's unfailing love for her, trying to fill a void with the "love" & affection from man after man, night after night... I can't help but love her so much it hurts.

When I hear of a young man staring at the bottom of his bottle, and waking up the next morning with wonder of what the night before may have brought... I can't help but love him so much it hurts.

When harsh words & ridicule are upon me from those who speak these things out of insecurity & pain... I can't help but love them so much it hurts.

I often times find myself so caught up in what I need to be doing & where I need to be going...

...and then I am reminded, it's not about me. It's not about my agenda. And it's certainly not about my first world problems.

It's about the single, young woman who is aching to know the love of Christ, she just doesn't know it yet.

It's about the young man who has yet to know the fulfillment of Jesus, and that He can take away his pain, his burdens, and his worries.

It's about those who don't know a relationship with Him. Our Savior. Our Redeemer. Our Protector. Our Strength. Our Comforter. Our Healer. Our Creator. Our LOVE.

So, here I am, with tears in my eyes, and a heart that is breaking over, & over, & over again...

Life is so short. Life is so sweet. Life is so beautiful.

Love so much that it hurts.

"The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost." -G.K. Chesterton

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