Thursday, October 07, 2010

Hidden Pain

I am currently sitting in the office of our host home, and as I think about the past week on tour, God just keeps reminding me why I am here, and why I'm doing what I do. Last Sunday I had the amazing opportunity of playing worship for a youth group in Kewanee, IL. Jason preached that night, and a lot of what he said really hit home with some of the students. After he was done, he asked that if any guy or girl needed prayer, or just wanted to talk with someone that we (Jason, Torre, Brett, Devon, me and other youth leaders) would be there for as long as we needed to be, to pray for them, with them, and just to talk. God brought 3 wonderful girls to me. I had the chance to talk with these girls, speak into their lives, and pray with them! Now, although I was so happy they came up to me and were talking to me about these things, I knew that God had things HE wanted to say THROUGH me to them. I let Him. The Spirit just moved through me, and talking with these girls really opened my eyes. They were struggling with cutting, suicide, other addictions, and a couple were sexually assaulted. I wouldn't have even thought that these girls had these major struggles, because before service even started they hid these things so well. It broke my heart just sitting there, listening to all of these things they were saying. These beautiful, young women of God were dealing with all of this pain inside and no one even knew about it. These girls were 16 years old and younger, and look at what they've already gone through. I asked all of them how close they are with their parents, and they all told me they weren't close at all... it seems like that is a happening a lot right now. These young men and women don't have a strong family life, and therefore they have no one holding them accountable for anything. On top of that, they don't have that love that they so badly desire from their parents. If anyone reading this is struggling with cutting, suicide, or any type of addiction, PLEASE tell someone. Do NOT keep it inside, and hope that this internal pain will just go away. Satan is feeding you lies, and you deserve MUCH more than what he's telling you. God has a plan and purpose for each one of your lives, and He doesn't want to see you hurting. He loves you... and if you don't believe me, read John 3:16 ;)

I think I could go on and on about this, and reading this blog isn't even a fraction of the pain that these girls were/are feeling... I wish I could express to all of you how much this affected me, and how it has put a new perspective on girls and guys I come in contact with. We don't have even the slightest idea of what people, and even our closest friends are going through at times. Be prayer warriors for your friends, and those you come in contact with. I think it's so important, and something we all need to make a priority!

"May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance." -2 Thessalonians 3:5

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you! :) God is doing some really incredible things through you during this tour! You are His vessel to those girls, Lex! :)
