Sunday, November 14, 2010

A black dress with pink flowers.

A couple nights ago I had the most vivid dream. I was near a lake, and I was getting ready to be married. There were two guys in the dream and one of them was going to be my husband. I would have to go through each marriage ceremony, and then I had to decide which one I was going to be with. When the first guy approached me and we went through the ceremony, he left and I never heard from him again. I remember calling him and searching for him, but he was nowhere to be found. I felt as if I did something wrong or that I wasn’t good enough. I then went into this house nearby and looked at myself in a mirror. I was wearing a hideous black dress with pink flowers on it, and my hair was greasy and pulled back in a bun. I felt ugly. I felt like I wasn’t good enough for anyone, or that I even deserved anyone. When I walked back outside, I saw another man. He was handsome, charming, and had the most beautiful smile. From the way he looked at me, I knew he was the one. How could I be seen like this, let alone marry the perfect man for me while looking so horrific? I hurried back into the house and washed my hair. I made sure it was down and curled just how I felt beautiful and presentable. When I was done with my hair, I went back into the room that I saw myself as ugly, and there I found the perfect white dress that would make me feel clean and beautiful. I felt like a new woman.

In the beginning of the dream when I gave the first guy a chance, and he never came back, I went away and noticed the dress I was wearing was black and hideous. It was almost like those mistakes and hurt from the past hadn’t gone away, and they were appearing on the outside. These were things I would never want to bring into my marriage or relationship. I think that a lot of times Satan loves to package things really beautifully to deceive us. The flowers on the dress were there to make it seem like it was something very beautiful, but really it was dirty. He loves to continue to remind us of past situations that may hurt us now, and he also likes to make us think that we have to live with that for the rest of our lives without forgiveness. In this dream, there was a guy that I thought could be the one, and by leaving he just added to that hurt and dirtiness. I wasn’t ready for my husband, and I was saved from a marriage/relationship to a man who was not my future husband.

In the last part of my dream, I meet the guy that I KNOW I am meant to be with. Just by looking at him, I knew he was the one. And I also knew that he deserved absolutely everything I could give him. Instead of standing there with a hideous dress on of mistakes and past relationships, trying to be covered up by cute flowers, I ran to forgiveness and purification. I was then a new woman. I changed into a beautiful white dress that was clean and pure. And I could then give my husband everything that I wanted to give him, because of the amazing love and grace of God. I was made new in Christ, and at that moment, I knew that I was ready to move forward with my life.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

There is forgiveness, and new beginnings.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this Alexandra! =D
    I love it when God is still working on us/teaching us even while we sleep! =D

    An old pastor once said "Jesus forgives your sins and forgets them. He tosses them in the Sea of Forgetfulness and posts a sign that reads 'No Fishing.'"

    Thank you for this post...I couldn't stop reading it! =D
