Monday, January 03, 2011

God Moment

We as Christians talk about having faith and trusting God, but do we really apply it to our lives? Some of us [think] we have faith, and [think] we trust in God. Would we REALLY sell everything we own and move to another Country, leave our family and friends behind, and sacrifice our life so that others could hear of His Name? Would we REALLY say, “Yes, I believe in God”, even if it means we may breathe your last breath? Would we REALLY even just go up to a stranger, and tell them that God loves them? Would you do those things if God told you to? Or are you too scared of what others will think. Are you too worried about being popular, or fitting in? When God asks you to move, do you? Is it too costly to actually step out, and be different? Maybe you have a hard time letting God do what He has planned, because it might be scary for you. The funny thing is, is that HE is the one who created you and I. Do you think that when someone creates something, they don’t know how their creation works? For instance, a cell phone, I know how to use it but I don’t know how everything inside works, or even how it was created! Do you think that God would create something/someone that He doesn’t have any clue about? I am going to go with… NO! When God created you and I, He knew our likes and dislikes, He knew where we’d struggle and where we’d succeed, and He definitely knows our desires even when we don’t. I never, EVER thought I would play music in a million years, and I NEVER thought I would be traveling the world like I do… but God knew it! He knew that when He placed the passion for music into my life that it would lead me to experiencing Him and learning more about Him in incredible ways! He knew that when I started playing music, and growing in my relationship with Him, that He would place a passion for speaking on my heart. I always told God, and others, that I would never (keyword "NEVER") be a public speaker. Well, guess what? That has changed! Did I know, 5 years ago, that I would want to speak to young women about the importance of purity? NOPE! It just goes to show that God knows me better than myself. So why do I question whether He knows what’s best for me? I am human. I live in a world where people are constantly telling me to do what makes me happy. Honestly, I don't think that God wants to see me unhappy. I believe that God wants me to do things that I love, because He IS the One who knows what I love. But are the things we “love” helping to advance His Kingdom? He wants to use our gifts and talents to win souls over for Him! I think it’s time for every one of us to push aside the everyday distractions, the selfish desires, and to SEEK out the Lord and His plans for our lives. We have one life to live. How are YOU going to live it?

“Those who know Your name trust You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.” –Psalm 9:10

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