Monday, August 15, 2011

Nashville Bound!

I leave on a plane for Nashville in just a few hours, and I must say, I am very excited. I am not sure what to expect when I get there, as seeing as I've never been there, but I've heard great things. I am writing with a guy named "Nick Baumhardt" while I am down there, he plays in a band called "Stellar Kart" and is married to Tricia from Superchick. Needless to say, I may possibly pee my pants if I get the opportunity to meet her while I am there. Just sayin.
Anyways, it was just a couple weeks ago that this co-writing session was booked, and leading up to today, there have been many things in my life that have sent my life in a whirlwind. There have been people in my life that I have questioned why God would take out, there have been doors that have been closed, and many tears that have been shed. I have been overwhelmed by the fact that I am going to Nashville to write with great writers, and meet people I never thought I'd get the opportunity to meet. On top of that, growing up isn't the easiest, and decisions become much more crucial as you get older!
I still don't know why there are different things going on in my life that don't make sense. And the only thing I can hold on to is the beautiful truth that God has it all under control. I can't see the bigger picture from where I'm at, and that frustrates me. It's easy to trust in God when things are going right. But when it seems like everything is going wrong (Well, to us it seems wrong, to God it's right), it's a bit tougher to trust in Him and know that He has it all under control. I know that I have issues with letting people, and God take control of things. I always want to be the one in control, because I'm not sure what the other person is going to do. This is something God has been teaching me a lot about lately. He needs me to hand over the pen of my life, and let Him beautifully write it.
I'm not past the point of being "okay" with everything going on in life, but I think that's okay. Because through these emotions and changes God is, little by little, showing me pieces of the story that He is writing for me.
Just over a week ago I told God, "Okay. I'm ready for you to do something big in my life. Please, do it!"... I'm sure He was looking down saying, "Okay, Lex, you asked for it!"... and that's precisely what He did :) it may not have been what I expected or what I wanted, but He always knows better than me anyways.

I know this blog may have been a bit confusing. But, I hope it was an encouragement and challenge to some of you who may have a hard time handing over the pen to your story... Our Author can write a better story than we ever could. We just have to trust Him to lead.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome Lex! You are encouraging and challenging to me! It is very hard to Trust when theres the unknown. Id almost rather have a yes or a no right away than have God tell me to WAIT! Its hard not knowing whats gonna happen but isnt it amazing that we KNOW without a doubt that our lord has the VERY BEST in mind for us! He will NEVER lead us on a path of distruction and its so wonderful to not carry that burden of worry all the time. Your an amazing woman of God Lex! The power of our God is for you!! knowone can stand against you!! You will go so so far and it really is an honor that I got to meet you in person!! I hope and pray your path crosses with little Kettle River again in the future!
