Monday, August 18, 2014


Wow- life has been a roller-coaster. It was a couple weeks ago now that my Manager, Andrew, and I took some meetings with publishers, and A&R in town. They all went well, and my eyes were opened to a lot of things. I quickly realized I had slightly missed the mark on some areas in my life. I was so focused on all of the "things" that I had kind of lost my vision, and the vision Christ has for my life.
So, I took some time to really seek His face, and pinpoint the calling & ministry that He has set before me. As I was sitting in prayer one day, I felt that the Lord was showing me that I was going to be doing more writing & speaking. I kept pushing those thoughts down though, because I was in Nashville to pursue MUSIC, not writing & speaking. I felt like He was still showing me that music was going to be a large part of my ministry (obviously, I LOVE leading worship), but that there was more to my ministry than just that. 
If I am going to be completely honest, I didn't believe what I felt He was telling me. I did think that my thoughts were just running wild & none of it was making sense, though. So, I had let it go... 
Not long after I had this God-moment, I was having a conversation with one of my good friends. We were talking about our ministries, and where we feel God is leading us. I had shared some of my heart & where I was at, but didn't say anything about this moment I had with God recently about doing more writing & speaking. He, out of nowhere, asked, "Have you thought about doing more writing & speaking, like, for girls & women?" - I was completely floored. I began slightly freaking out on the inside, and thinking "This couldn't be..." I took what he said, and didn't think much more about it after that... it was probably just a "coincidence."
I didn't want to think about it, because what was "expected" of me was that I would write songs, and play music... and, that's it... or, so I thought. In the next few days after that, I really felt the Lord putting writing & speaking heavy on my heart. I kept ignoring it, but He kept bringing it to the forefront of my mind... and, at that point, I decided to start listening & praying more about it. And, within that week, three people, on three separate occasions, without knowing what God had put on my heart, had asked the same question, "Have you thought about doing more writing & speaking, along with the music?" Before I knew it, tears were flowing, & peace was showering me. It. Was. GOOD. 

Soon after I had these confirmations & this revelation, I started to see things "unravel" in my life. There was one day that, I kid you not, had everything "wrong" with it - it was really comical, actually. Ha! And, the day after that, I had news shared with me that would really change some other things in my life. It really wasn't making sense, but at the same time I was believing that it was...

One of my sweet friends said at coffee recently, "I know it seems like everything is unraveling, but I really believe it's all just coming together for you..." 

So, here I am, really unsure of where this all is going to take me. God has been placing some big visions, goals, and dreams on my heart. There are a lot of things that I am still praying about, and what this all looks like for me. And, He has been working on many areas of my life, as I feel He's preparing me for this new season. If there's one thing I would ask, it would be for your prayer for this direction that I am headed. There is a shift happening for me, and I am terrified... but, I am overwhelmed with excitement & anticipation. 

I am not 100% sure of where I am headed, but I am confident in the direction I am going, & the One who's leading me... 

Thanks, friends. So much love for you all.


Friday, June 20, 2014

Remember My Promises

It was a Sunday evening, just a week & a half ago, when I was standing in a room filled with hundreds of people joined in a time of worship and became completely wrecked. I can't remember what song we were singing, but I do remember so clearly what the Lord spoke to me. I fell apart. I knew without a doubt that He was placing something on my heart, and it wouldn't leave my mind. There were three words I kept hearing in my head, "Remember My Promises", and I haven't been able to forget since. (I am just about falling apart again as I write this. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude, comfort and peace.)
As I stood there, I no longer saw the person to my left or to my right, everything was tuned out, and it was just me & the Author of my life. I suddenly saw a replay of His promises run through my mind. And, the prophecies & words that were spoken over me since I was 15 years old. I felt like I was watching a movie reel. These pictures, words, and moments were as clear as day, and they brought me right back to those places where I received them.
I quickly realized I had forgotten those moments, up to this point... but, I knew I was being reminded again. I had let the motions of life, and the plans of my own lead the way. I allowed my discouragement, insecurities, bitterness, and fears consume me. And, with just three precious words, my eyes were no longer facing the ground, they were facing the One who goes before me, and establishes my steps. I felt a sense of peace, God-given confidence, and comfort.

"Remember My Promises.
Remember the park? After the baptisms? It was one of your first missions trips to Mexico. You were young, and I called you into music ministry that day. You didn't believe it at the time, but it has come to pass. I have been faithful through & through, leading you every step of the way.

Remember the building you were in, sitting with your family, during an evening church service? I spoke through that Pastor that night and he told you that you would reach the masses with the songs I would give you. Those were My words. Those are My promises.

Don't forget the countless times I have spoken to your heart with My still, small voice. Don't forget how I've spoken to you through others I have placed in your life. Remember all of the promises in My word that were fulfilled. My promises are good.

Stay close to Me, and Remember My Promises..."

Love you, friends. Be encouraged. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

I Want To Need You

How often do I find myself trying to do things out of my own strength, and fail to depend on my God? It’s more times than not. When things are smooth sailing in my life, I tend to lean on Him less. I think to myself, “I’ve got this.” When in reality, I don’t. Because as soon as chaos in life hits me, I run back into His arms (and running to His arms is good), but I don’t want that to be the only time I run into his arms. I want it to be a daily action that I take. I desire to wake up every morning eager to say, “God, I want to need You.” – knowing that I am NOT strong enough to make it on my own.

"I Want To Need You"

When I'm not in need
I rely purely on myself
But the chaos comes
And my strength becomes
As empty as a well

If my pride had its way
I'd be alone and afraid
But, I don't want to be
Strong enough
To make it on my own

You're water to my desert heart
Find me in the deepest dark
I want to need You
Need You
Need You
Dry land, to plant my feet
Always safe and rescuing
I want to need You
Need You
Need You
Father, I need You
Need You
Need You

I've come to love
The feeling of
Being broken at Your feet
‘Cause the push and pull
Is only bearable
When I'm on my knees

Only you could change
The alone and afraid

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

More Than Enough

My heart is overwhelmed with joy tonight as I sit & think about all that God is doing in my life. I stepped out (felt more like a giant leap) in faith 2 months ago, and moved to Nashville with an unknown future ahead of me. The unknown has always scared me, I like to be certain of what's ahead. But, God opened the door & I walked through. I'm learning so many things on this new journey, and most importantly that God is MORE than enough. Always. Yeah, we can say that He is - but, to truly believe & experience it is something that is beyond words.

I have never felt closer to Him than I have since moving here. The first month and a half living here, I was in a new house, in a new town, AND all alone. It was incredibly scary. There were nights I would stay up late until my eyes couldn't stay open anymore. I felt like packing up my things & driving back to Minnesota (okay, I wasn't THAT desperate yet, but the thought definitely crossed my mind). I knew that going back home would be easier. But, honestly, I didn't want easier. I wanted to HAVE to depend on Him, because I was not strong enough on my own. I would spend my nights praying, praying, and praying... I found myself leaning on Him more, and just trusting that He was going to give me peace & comfort.

I miss my family. I hate being away from them. I hate that I can't just walk up the stairs to see my mama knitting, my dad watching his sports, and my sister sleeping (because that's what she likes to do). I wish I could eat dinner with them. I wish I could squeeze my little sister so tight that it makes her want to punch me (she doesn't like hugs very much). But, as much as I wish all of these things, I know that God has placed me here, at this moment in time, for a very specific reason. I wouldn't have moved if I didn't know He had so evidently opened the door. I KNOW, without a shadow of doubt, that He is going to use me in a unique way to further His Kingdom. That is my heart's desire.

I am in tears as I think about all that God has shown me & brought to me in the last 8 weeks. I am undeserving, but somehow He still showers me with His sweet, sweet love. I wish I could express how many ways He has provided for me. He has given me such a confidence in Him. I no longer fear being alone, because He is always with me. I no longer worry about finances, because He always provides. And, I no longer doubt the woman He has created me to be, because He has shown me who I am in Him.
The scariest & greatest thing I said was "Here am I." - now, here. we. go.

Friday, February 07, 2014


Wow - I am completely overwhelmed by all of the love & support each of you have shown me in these last few weeks with the release of my debut solo album! I could not have done it without you.  Thank you so much.
I wanted to post a few blogs the next few days/weeks with lyrics to the new songs & my heart behind each of them. I know that they have blessed me in many ways, and I hope they do the same for you.

While I was writing them with my friend Eric, we wanted to write songs that were raw & real. Little did I know that after the songs were done & finished they would be even more inspiring to me than they were while I was putting them together. There is one song that I have gotten many responses from and that's the track "Anywhere". This was one of the first songs we wrote, and I fell in love with it instantly.
There was just something different about this one. It hit so close to home with me. I was experiencing such a transition in my life, and I was feeling so many different emotions (a lot of loneliness). With my sister not playing with me anymore, beginning a journey with my solo project, and the new adventure of moving to Nashville, TN. By myself. No set plans. No job lined up. Just stepping out in faith & trusting that the Lord was going to provide along the way. And, wow - has He ever.

Through days of tears, loneliness, fears, and doubt, God has shown up in greater ways than I could have ever imagined. Even when I felt the furthest from Him, He was there.

God is crazy about you. I pray you're encouraged by this song. (Romans 8:39)

Caught in a race
No end
No finish line
Caught in my ways
While blessings
Pass me by

Chasing the wind
Trying to hold it in
But, treasure that was
Turns to dust again

As far as the heavens
Deep as the ocean
Cold as the winter
Lost in the motions
You find me anywhere

Searching for things to satisfy
A thirsty soul
Searching for peace
When my heart's still at war

But no matter the distance
No matter the enemy
I'm never abandoned 
Never beyond Your reach

As far as the heavens
Deep as the ocean
Cold as the winter
Lost in the motions
You find me anywhere
Oh, You see the beauty
Make whole the broken
Tear down the shame
Give hope to the hopeless
You find me anywhere

When time and again
I turn from Your embrace
Nothing is forfeit
Nothing can separate

("Anywhere" by Lex Anderson)

Much love,


Friday, December 27, 2013

Be Love

When I asked God to give me a heart for people, I never thought that my heart would physically hurt for every person. Even in the unlikely of circumstances, I can't help but love so much that it hurts.

When I listen to the single, young woman who is unaware of God's unfailing love for her, trying to fill a void with the "love" & affection from man after man, night after night... I can't help but love her so much it hurts.

When I hear of a young man staring at the bottom of his bottle, and waking up the next morning with wonder of what the night before may have brought... I can't help but love him so much it hurts.

When harsh words & ridicule are upon me from those who speak these things out of insecurity & pain... I can't help but love them so much it hurts.

I often times find myself so caught up in what I need to be doing & where I need to be going...

...and then I am reminded, it's not about me. It's not about my agenda. And it's certainly not about my first world problems.

It's about the single, young woman who is aching to know the love of Christ, she just doesn't know it yet.

It's about the young man who has yet to know the fulfillment of Jesus, and that He can take away his pain, his burdens, and his worries.

It's about those who don't know a relationship with Him. Our Savior. Our Redeemer. Our Protector. Our Strength. Our Comforter. Our Healer. Our Creator. Our LOVE.

So, here I am, with tears in my eyes, and a heart that is breaking over, & over, & over again...

Life is so short. Life is so sweet. Life is so beautiful.

Love so much that it hurts.

"The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost." -G.K. Chesterton

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

New Beginnings

It was just 8 years ago when my sister and I set foot on our first stage, along with our good friend Chad who played drums with us at the time. We never thought that would be the beginning of an amazing journey. We spent many hours rehearsing, writing, traveling, and playing shows. It was more than we ever thought it would or could be. We toured the U.S. and met some of the most amazing people in the process. It was a dream come true.

When Torre and I started playing music, I imagined us performing next to each other for many, many years to come. I think a lot of people thought the same. Little did I know that our time next to each other, playing music, would come to an end. I make it sound super dramatic sometimes, but do you expect anything less from me? ;) It truly was the best thing for the both of us. It has been such a blessing, and we know God has BIG plans for our lives.

Fast forward and here I am, writing a blog I never really thought I would write. I have started a new journey, and I am... well, terrified. I am so excited for this next chapter, but there are always times of doubt & fear. Thankfully, God has put fantastic people in my life who let me know when I need to shut up & focus on the bigger picture. It's not about me... it's not about me... it's not about me...

So, in 2 weeks I will be on my way back down to Nashville to finish my debut solo album. I have been writing it with my good friend/producer/co-writer Eric, and I am amazed at how these tracks are coming together. There is so much heart & so much emotion in them, and I really can't wait for everyone to hear these songs.

To those of you reading this, thank YOU for supporting me AND Bright Light Parade every step of the way... I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for your love & encouragement. Here's to the next journey...

"As far as the heavens
As deep as the ocean
Cold as the winter
Lost in the motions
You find me anywhere"

- "Anywhere" by Lex Anderson